Thursday, March 29, 2007

You talkin' to me????

So, dinner time is often the time that I look forward to. A time to get caught up with my family and to eat a meal together. On Wednesdays I work, so I don't get to be around my kids (ages 34 (husband!!), 7, 5, 2) all day. I look forward to giving them loves, and then hearing about their days. So last night, I got home early, and was able to get a dinner pulled together. Just as we were sitting down to eat, this fountain of talking and expressions began. ALL OF THEM began telling me of their day. I sat there in awe, as each one of them thought that I was listening intently to their stories. I think that my eyes glazed over, and I lost total consciousness to my surroundings!! I was hearing bits of my husbands recount of a phone call with my brother-in-law. I heard my daughters bits about a new book from school, my other daughter about eating carrots, and then my son chiming in with Mom, mom,mom, mom--sung in a cheerful song. I was flabbergasted that they didn't clue in to the fact that they were all talking at once! They just kept going!! It was about 10 minutes of this, and I just sat in front of my untouched food, baffled!! I wanted to laugh out loud--but then I realized that they probably wouldn't realize that I was laughing.
They all seemed to finish at the same time, and began to eat. As much as this chaos drove me crazy, I wouldn't have changed it for the world!! I realized that in a few years they probably wouldn't want to talk about their days, and the dinner would be silent! I hope that day never comes!!! Mom, mom, mom, mom..................................


hi, it's me! melissa c said...

That is so funny! Our diner experience lately is all about arguing over food the little kids don't like or want to eat and my oldest asking continual questions about something that was none of his concern and I wasn't about to explain.

Our dinner times have been stressful and I am ready to let them all be hungry!

I need to get back to that time of appreciating their fun ages. I need more sleep I think!!

Lisa M. said...

Ah, very funny.

Yup, Yo-Yo.. Multitasking.

You know, when the get bigger, the still do talk. I am so grateful for not having a silent table.